Another day of cookouts which ended up with an unexpected photo walk. Well yesterday I was invited to attend the Western Tech Track Cookout. They usually invite all off the alumni, who built the great legacy, back to eat and chill, more importantly eat for free. Well It was hosted at Steve's house and apparently his folks are like professional back yard entertainers or something because it was IMMACULATE. Im not sure where his parents are from but Im sure somewhere from the islands. But long story short their backyard was IMMENSELY IMMACULATE. I could've shot pictures all day back there it was just so much interesting stuff. blah blah blah on to some shots.

Well today was mad chill. My teammate/roomate/broseph Chris Breezy Brown invited us to a cookout back in the woods. Shout out to the rents for always treating us and feeding us like kings much love. Well on the menu we had grilled chicken, steak (BALLIN), and assorted salads etc. I actually forgot I had my camera with me I was having such an immaculate time. Well I need not say more on to some pics.

Despite the forecast yesterday turned out to be a great day. Got there kinda late due to some unforeseen road blocks, ie. getting lost on the metro like 5,000 times lol, good times good times. Thats what happens when your encapsulated in the moment though, you get lost. Well after making a few much needed pit stops we ended up at Harry's for some dining affairs. Then discovered the mother of all frozen yogurt places (sorry yogi berry) FROZEN YO! any ways on to the shots of the night.
We all know DC and all its grey stark mystery, so I decided to make the familiar, unfamiliar and go black and white. So heres a few shots.

Ive known this kid for too long man and it always seems like we are choosing the same paths. From the shoe game now on to the photography game. Asanji Tembeli and I got our cameras around the same time, but hes def got a leg up on me. With his first legit gig under his belt hes def on his way to becoming a great photographer. Asanji currently attends CCBC, for what I have no idea but this young photographer is def on the come up. If youve got sometime and enjoy my work Im sure you'd enjoy his. Check out some of his work at his blog
Mr. Asanji in the flesh.
Work by Asanji (Asizzle lol):
Shots fired from the lens of my camera that is. So now youve probably figured out that I am an inspiring photographer.Well Me and some friends took a trip to the harbor so I could get some night shots. Well these are some of my first night shots to say the least and I'm still ironing out the many wrinkles. Tell me what you think.

Well the (Highly?) anticipated album Thank Me Later, has been LEAKED... who knew. Nothing new right. Well anyways im sittin here listening to the joint its pretty dope maybe even immaculate.. ehh maybe not but its hot nonetheless. I ended up skippin like the first two songs but after that shit just flows. If you wanna download the joint hit the pic above or go
1. Fireworks (feat. Alicia Keys)
2. Karaoke
3. The Resistance
4. Over
5. Show Me A Good Time
6. Up All Night (feat. Nicki Minja)
7. Fancy (feat. T.I. & Swizz Beatz)
8. Shut It Down (feat. The Dream)
9. Unforgettable (feat. Young Jeezy)
10. Light Up (feat. Jay Z)
11. Miss Me (feat. Lil Wayne)
12. Cece's Interlude
13. Find Your Love
14. Thank Me Now
Drop some comments on what ya think about it. Thanks for lookin.
Plndr an online urban wear store is having a huge sale for the next couple of days. This is some nice swag people at up to 80% off, #cmonson dont let this sale pass you up, start the summer off right with some new gear.This is a private sale which you have to be invited to, hence my invitation. Come one come all. Just check it out, and If you like it buy it. There will be different sales on different days. Today is on Freshjive, Luxirie by LRG,
ORISUE, Jeepney, In4mation, and Supra. Click the picture above or visit the link below to view the sale. Thanks.
Clicky -->
Plndr MEGA SALE<--here!
Today was a good day, a day filled with, oooh how should I put this, absolutely nothing. Again, like every morning I was abruptly awaken by my brothers alarm clock which again like every morning he left running for an hour and some change. I sandwiched my head between 2 pillows as I screamed FML in my head to the high heavens. Yeah so anyways I sat around and watched the movie channels all day, even threw in a Western, WTF right? Quite relaxing though. I downloaded some music and started listening to Erykah Badu's Album
Return Of The Ankh.

It's a real chill piece. I closed my eyes and let the music take me.. well I really have no idea where it took me but it was really peacefully immaculate if I say so my self.
Well other than that I just got a craving for a
SLURPEE so I made a 7/11 run.
Today was a hot day, filled with hot food, hot as fk sun, hot people, hot hands of spades, and hot conversations. I checked into my cuzzo Shaun's "SMALL" cookout around 1:30... yea what was supposed to be 10 people with not enough food soon turned into like 50 people with food for days. BLACK PEOPLE ACTUALLY BRINGING FOOD TO A COOKOUT, niggas get in your bomb shelters the end is near! LOL but ne ways yea good times. I think its safe to say me and Candice are the spades champs today, undefeated through 5 games. Chilled, ate, and that was that. Got home to crabs on the table good enough to satisfy any late night craving. BALLLINN. All in all a great memorial day. Heres just a shot to make ya mouth water :)

and me kickin my shoes off to say goodnight.

Surely today was IMMACULATE!!!!! Thanks for looking.
The weekend began with a bang. Lionel was in town so the festivities started at Mama Kats house. Where all hell broke loose, in a good way though. Today (yesterday) the family mday cookout was on deck. Yeah it was on point. Shauns cookout 2morrow. So yeah.. here are some of the moments I managed to captured along with other random shots I liked. My little cousin Amanda is so photogenic.

Thats all for now.
Ok Ok... So as promised Im back to post and I have book marked my blog so I post more often. Another beautiful day in Colli Park. A friend from highschool came to chill on campus today, hes decided that CP is where hes commin next fall. Glad I could convince you that CP is really immaculate.
ACCs are now a week away. I keep saying I'm not where I need to be as far as training yet I go out today and run two back to back 21 sec 200s like im slicing room temp butter. Yea that easy. Man Im on my bolt status fk wit me haha. Well see what goes down next week, all I know is Im leaving it all on the line.
I really dont have much else to say but my allergies are running FUCKING Rampid right now. They just wont calm down. These drugs they give me arent strong enough smh. See I dont have much to talk about on blogs anymore my life is so repetitive right now. O well I leave you with my inspiration of self.
Yo Yo Yo. So its unmistakeably been a while since I've posted about my simple life on this here blog. You can call me a liar because every post I put in here I promise to post more. ehhh. That always falls off. I'm trynna take the high road do big things. Current destination :Engineering School: lol. So you see my dilemma. Gotta go with the flow tho, and heres mine: Track>School>Track>School. Welcome to the GOOD LIFE?
WORD. In other news its hot as an Africans skin here in CP. That means the HEAT is starting to show on some peoples feet. Ive encountered several people in the last few months that seem to be just as dedicated as I am, or once was to breakin necks, and staying true to the sneaker game. It inspiring to know that I am not alone around these parts. Now I used to be anal about my kicks even touching the slightest bit of dead carcass or whatevers laying on the streets these days. But Ive come to realize you just gotta live. Sneakers are meant to be worn, they are meant to degrade, just like you cant reverse the effects of life. Ultimately in the end things will fade away. So why not just get as much use as possible out of a good thing right? Live your life and you will have no regrets.
Well I have one more day of "Winter Break" left. Its been a good 3 or so weeks. Got to hang out with great friends and family, start new friendships, try and see new things. Life is good. Memories were made (bath tub) insider. Well I head back to College Park tomorrow night to await a highly anticipated track season and train till my legs fall off to make up for all the winter break food I've partaken in. Although, strangely this has resulted in a loss of weight, or it might just be my old ass scale. Ill opt for the old ass scale.
This is why I suck at blogging. But today's immaculate item was The Wii Sonic and Mario Olympic game. Well lets just say I now hold the world records in the 100m dash and 110H yea I'm the shit.
Im out, just got bored.
COME ON NOW SON. Sooo introducing the year 2010. Did you know that it really hasnt been a decade yet. According to Anna Roth's (yes mother fking anna roth) Pops the world screwed up (nothing new) and started the calender at year one instead of year ZERO. How the FK do you mess something like that up so yea were a year behind. But any way its a New year, but you already know Im diving in head first with that classic flizoid swag. But yea break for me is coming to an end, early as usually due to this fantastic thing I call track. HA. But yea soo its been real. I got to hang with my crew and my family and thats enough to cure any home sickness I have managed to conjure up during the school year.
Last semester was a great semester. New friends, new reasons to smile, and newly discovered terrains. I love my life and wouldn't trade it for the world. Im typing this blog knowing damn well I need to wake up early in the morning to support my Beastly Wolverines in training, Hopefully you guys fill my shoes then bust out them joints and fill even bigger ones ya dig.
Im out tho. Happy New Years!!
Flizoid. <-- I like eggs. boiled not scrambled.