Cold like shit outside...
Thursday, January 15, 2009
6:29 PM
Hey everyone this is my first post on this specific blog, TSWIB... That Shit was Immaculate... BITCH. So main purpose of this piece of fine art is to broadcast to the world the feelings and day to day thoughts of Flizoid or me for short. I keeps it realer than the realest person, so feel free to do you while I do me.

First here is some shit I thought was NOT! Immaculate. I collect Nike SB sneakers, or used to not some much anymore but I pop in on the scene once in a while when it cools down. So I was looking around at some of the releases and I came across one of Nikes latest Fuck Ups. Who in the world would come up with a prune purple / piss yellow colorway. Last time I checked they werent selling SBs in the senior home, no offense to any senior citizens reading this immaculate marvel. Take a gander. Now im not expert but that shit is disgusting. It truly looks like hell on a sneaker. I dont think I would be caught dead with a pair on my feat. But to all you sapps out there who would pay 90 bones for a pair of sneakers so hideous you do you and continue your hypebeast ways and Ill continue to do me.
So the other day my mans Tony showed me a video that you just cant help but flat out die laughing at. Its so cold in the D.. dont get it? Watch the video lol.
Shit was immaculate right? lol if not do you and Imma do me.
On another note, just to get some preliminary stuff out of the way about other crispy immaculate goodness I might be posting on here, lets start with the basics. Im really a kid named, you don't really need to know cyber stalkers, but I'm a track fiend and I run for University of Maryland. So you might see some random pictures of me running or some results of how my college track career is going. Since I run for UMD, wouldn't that make me a student at... your mothers house? correct! But yea keep an I out for some Immaculate stuff coming to you live from your mothers bedroom.
There's nothing like giving back to the community, once you become a star athlete lol. Well that's just what me and my teammates did the other day. We took a visit to my Coaches kids school and took the time out of our busy training regiments to read to them some of our favorite books, aka whatever the teacher handed to us. Well me and my hommies got to read a Spanglish version of the book The Three Little Pigs. With names like Miguel and Jose, who would've thought reading could be so FUN! It was actually a great load of immaculate fun.
First here is some shit I thought was NOT! Immaculate. I collect Nike SB sneakers, or used to not some much anymore but I pop in on the scene once in a while when it cools down. So I was looking around at some of the releases and I came across one of Nikes latest Fuck Ups. Who in the world would come up with a prune purple / piss yellow colorway. Last time I checked they werent selling SBs in the senior home, no offense to any senior citizens reading this immaculate marvel. Take a gander. Now im not expert but that shit is disgusting. It truly looks like hell on a sneaker. I dont think I would be caught dead with a pair on my feat. But to all you sapps out there who would pay 90 bones for a pair of sneakers so hideous you do you and continue your hypebeast ways and Ill continue to do me.
So the other day my mans Tony showed me a video that you just cant help but flat out die laughing at. Its so cold in the D.. dont get it? Watch the video lol.
Shit was immaculate right? lol if not do you and Imma do me.
On another note, just to get some preliminary stuff out of the way about other crispy immaculate goodness I might be posting on here, lets start with the basics. Im really a kid named, you don't really need to know cyber stalkers, but I'm a track fiend and I run for University of Maryland. So you might see some random pictures of me running or some results of how my college track career is going. Since I run for UMD, wouldn't that make me a student at... your mothers house? correct! But yea keep an I out for some Immaculate stuff coming to you live from your mothers bedroom.
LLS, i love your blog Chop chop. "Keep and 'I' out for some Immaculate stuff.. that was cute!" Anddddd some people who are fans of the lakers would probably wear those shoes..