I got the "itis" like shit..
Saturday, January 17, 2009
9:42 PM
MMHHMMM Boy them ribs were Immaculate. I just got back from Applebees a
nd ive got that serious itis. I ordered the meal of a champion, BABY BACK RIBS. I must say, I had to take the L about 1/3 of the way through the rack. I began to nod out and soon became unresponsive to the taste of the ribs sitting infront of me.. Thats right folks! I was catchin the itis. I tried pacing my self but I had already threw off my rythm with the salad I started with... I MURDERED THAT SHIT... it was indeed Immaculate. I ran through that plate of green leafy goodness like a lawnmower through a field of overgrown grass. The track meet definately took alot out of me. Now I'm back at the crib gettin ready to allow the itis to completely take over my body and slowly disable my movments as it sends me into a deep lifefilled comma. Thanks for reading gangsters and pimps, keep it real.
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